These two boys are growing up! Both Austin and Scott have hit growth spurts in the last year. They are in their 9th grade year and both decided to take an AP class - AP Human Geography with a favorite teacher, Mr. Mohler. They both really enjoy Coach Jex (the health teacher) and Austin especially likes his math teacher, Mrs. Wallace because she actually teacher the math!
Scott and Austin got a fancy breakfast this morning with strawberries, sausage, and poppyseed muffins.

Scott reading his birthday card from Gma and Gpa Durtschi
Scott was very excited to get a new fancy basketball
Austin loves his new Saints ball cap.
Austin chose chocolate eclair cake.
Scott chose grasshopper pie.
These two boys have gotten SO BIG and it is throwing mom to have such big boys. They are eating like it too!
Austin and Scott bring so much energy and fun to the house. They always have interesting things to talk about. Austin is always trying to get someone to play catch with him and can often be found throwing a ball at the couch. Austin also likes to dribble constantly in the kitchen. Both boys are killing it in school as well as church. Scott just finished being the class president and Austin took over this year. We love these two boys, they make life so fun!