Sunday, August 15, 2010

Scott and Austin 18 months

They both love sitting on little chairs.

These are little suits Jeff's mom bought for them.

My boys are now 18 months. I absolutely LOVE this age, they are so fun and their personalities are really getting funny. Both are now full time walkers (Scott has been for a couple of weeks now). It's so funny how they just decide one day to walk all the time.

22 lbs 3 oz 8th percentile
31.5 in 30th percentile
Head....95th percentile!!!

21 lbs 10 oz 5th percentile
31.5 in 30th percentile
Head... 60th percentile

  • Has started turning his head when he doesn't want to look at someone (or the camera). The way he does it is so funny, it says, "I refuse to look at you."
  • LOVES any container, box, cup, anything that will hold things. Then, he loves to put things in and take them out. Whenever I am looking for something, I always look under the seat of their walk and ride cars. I find a lot of stuff there.
  • Still loves his bubba (binky) We're going to work on that one
  • Doesn't drink bottles anymore!!! We stopped cold turkey one day and he is doing great!
  • Likes looking at books, especially the big ones I read. Whenever I am reading one, I can find him on the couch flipping through (and sometimes ripping out pages)
  • Comes to me for hugs and kisses, oh I love it
  • Is the MESSIEST eater. I don't know how he manages
  • Likes "talking on the phone"
  • Loves waving and saying hi and bye
  • Loves saying "uh oh" and thinks it is so funny
  • Still loves peek a boo
  • Is starting to try and talk
  • Does this cute thing sometimes, leans his head back all the way and smiles, I love it, it's so Scott.
  • Loves getting a blanket out of his crib and bringing it out in the main area and cuddling with it--Scott has a preferred blanket and will cry for it if it isn't in his crib--this one my mom actually made for Kate, but it is baby blue and pretty big and soft. He loves it so much.
  • Watches out for his brother--he'll get a binky for himself and if there is another one, Scott will walk it over to Austin and put it in his mouth. He will also do this with sippy cups
  • If there is only one binky though, it's war--they will keep stealing the binky back and forth
  • LOVES to go outside! They'll cry when anyone goes outside and they have to stay inside
  • Has 16 teeth
  • Says "yeah" a lot, but I don't think he knows what it means

First Haircut: Before
After. The back looks sharp--not the best after picture :)

Scott's precious blanket

  • Stopped doing his glare at people, he only brings it out for special occasions
  • Doesn't drink bottles anymore!!! We stopped cold turkey one day and he is doing great!
  • Is getting to be a really quick walker. The way he walks, he looks like he is falling and just gets his feet there just in time, but man, he is fast!
  • Babbles all the time and sometimes says words. The other day, he was saying, "Here you go" to me all day while handing me stuff. He hasn't done that since
  • Loves greeting all the members of his family with "Hi Da" and "Hi Kate" "Hi Scott." Kate and Scott sound like he's trying to say their names, but not perfect, but "Hi Da" is really clear!
  • Loves waving and saying Hi and Bye
  • Also loves containers, not as much as Scott, but I find stuff in the funniest places. Almost every time I get my Bosch mixer out, I find little trinkets in there!
  • Loves the idea of the bath tub, but when we get in there, he is ready to get out pretty fast
  • Overall is a pretty happy, cheerful kid
  • When we say it's time to go outside, Austin will go get shoes and bring them to me, he's getting pretty good at bringing me my shoes instead of Jeff's
  • Comes over for a cuddle, oh so sweet!
  • Watches out for his brother--he'll get a binky for himself and if there is another one, Austin will walk it over to Scott and put it in his mouth. Austin also does this with sippy cups
  • If there is only one binky though, it's war--they will keep stealing the binky back and forth
  • Loves getting a blanket out of his crib and bringing it out in the main area and cuddling with it (along with that, he is loving little cuddle toys and puts them up to his face). He has a couple favorites, but isn't super picky yet.
  • LOVES to go outside, he is pretty upset if anyone goes out without him!
  • Has 16 teeth

Austin loves riding the tricycle and this is how he does it, it was pretty funny to watch!

Austin's first haircut: Before
These two boys sure are precious, we just love them to pieces and are so grateful we get them in our family.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Another Kate story...

(thanks char for telling me about the typo--didn't even notice!)

I had just finished reading Kate Cinderella. There were pictures of the characters at the end and there was one picture of Drizella and Anastasia.

Kate said, "Those are bad girls."
I said, "Yep."
Then, Kate said, "And they say bad words," then with a lowered voice, "like dammit."
I hugged her then so she couldn't see me laughing. I guess it is really engrained in her that that word is a bad word, I just wish she would forget it.