Saturday, December 17, 2011

Funny Kids

A little background: Whenever we are bathing the kids, I always tell them they need baths so they don't have stinky bums, so today we had this conversation...

Me: "When we get home, I'm going to hop in the shower."
Austin: "So you don't have a stinky bum?"
(Jeff thinks this is TMI, but I'm still laughing about it)

A few nights ago, Kate was struggling to finish her dinner. In an attempt at negotiation, she asked, "How about I just have 20 more bites, then I'm done?"

Tonight, it happened again, but she must be figuring things out because she asked for only 9 more bites.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Decorating for Christmas

Since we had ZERO pictures from Christmas last year, this year, I will try to do some makeup…
Austin left, Scott right

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Kate Dance

Kate is doing dance again this year and is enjoying it pretty well. This is her first recital right before Halloween.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

First Snowman of the Year

Kate begged and begged, so finally, we went out and built this lovely snowman. I think we named him…but I forgot and Kate’s already asleep.


Kate also wanted to have a snowball fight. It was nice to get some of my pent up stress out, so I threw those snowballs as hard as I could. We had a lot of fun!

Scott got a huge kick out of being outside!


It really was the perfect day because everywhere else, it was still a nice fall day, but because our deck was shaded, there was snow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Desert Fall 2011

We went out to the desert with the whole Lewis crew (extended cousins and everything). We had so much fun (other then getting off to a bad start with Scotty!)
Morgan took all the kids on rides ALL day long, they ate it up!

Someone brought this little truck to play with—Austin absolutely loved it, he just pushed it around all day.

Scott loved getting pushed around too…


Daddy gave everyone rides on the motorcycle—Austin









Austin and Scott have really gotten attached to these three girls. They get tons of attention and just eat it up! We had so much fun out there! Can’t wait to go again!

Monday, December 12, 2011

First Stitches

Scott got stitches for the first (and hopefully last) time this last October. It was SO sad! We don’t even know exactly what happened. Scott had split his lip earlier in the week a little bit. We were just getting ready to go to the desert (I’ll blog about that next) and were loading the car when I heard Scott crying THE cry (you know the one—where you know something is really wrong) and I went running. His lip was just gaping. We were about ready to go and tried to convince ourselves it was fine, but finally realized it wasn’t. We took him in and the nurses and doctor were so sweet. Scott was really brave too. They just numbed his lip and sewed him up without putting him under—he did not like that!

Then, they told me he would probably put up a fit at being held down, but he just laid there like such a good boy. We sang him songs and talked to him, and he was just mellow. It made me feel worse for him! The doctor did a great job though, and you can’t even tell anything happened!





Sunday, December 11, 2011

Halloween and getting ready for Halloween

I just found this great little program to blog through on my computer, so I may be blogging more! By way of starting to try and catch up—here is Halloween. Austin is the green dragon, Scott is the blue monster, Kate was Sleeping Beauty. A and S were NOT excited about their costumes, but right at Halloween, they surprised me and put them on. That moment always seems to come when they find out candy is involved.
We also decided to decorate pumpkins this year. At one point, I had pictures from the pumpkin patch we went to pick out pumpkins, but I’m not sure where they are. Anyway, we got these potato head kits and are huge fans. I think they look so cute and very clean!







True to form, I think it took us about 2 hours to visit about 10 houses in the neighborhood, but at least the kids had a great time!