Saturday, October 12, 2024

Spring Randoms

Dad and Logan reading together

Dads and donuts (Dad had to go into work so Mom subbed in)

Austin and Kate love jumping off the roof onto the trampoline.

Logan got principal's pride (second row, second from the left) He is a goof!

Uncle Zac wrestling Austin to show him who is boss

The Smiths came over to visit with about 6 dogs on a Sunday afternoon. So funny!

Mom enjoying a robin egg

Dump out dinner with the Smiths on April Fools Day

 It's been a great spring!


Scott and Kate are doing track this year. Scott is a 9th grader, but comes over to the high school every day. (Austin decided to do it at the junior high for one more year).

Scott is the second from the left, talking to a group of friends.

Scott running the mile - his PR for the year 5:30- Cookin!!

Kate loved doing hurdles. Her big goal for the year was to learn to three step between each hurdle. She 3 stepped many more than last year and felt good about her progress.

Near the end of the season, Kate started getting some foot pain. Luckily, it faded, but she had some gnarly bumps.

We loved watching our kids run track! They all worked so hard and all improved throughout the season.


Logan’s Baptism Day

Our last little nugget chose to get baptized! It was such a special day. Dad baptized and confirmed him and it was a lovely day.

Logan with Grandma and Grandpa Lewis

Grandma Packer and Logan

So many family members and friends came to support Logan!

 It was a very special day filled with the spirit. We are so proud of Logan for choosing to follow Jesus.

Mountain Biking with Melissa

Melissa came down for the weekend and mom convinced her to give mountain biking a try! They had a great time together! Melissa ended up going home and getting a mountain bike.


Ethan’s Wedding Weekend

We had a great time for Ethan's wedding. We all loved some good family time.

Kai, Kate, Teagan, Sasha, Scott

Kai, Kate, Sasha, Scott

Grandma Packer gave Logan his present and they worked on it for hours together.

We went over to Grandpa Durtschi's house and swung out on the rope swing. This is Kate.

Fun at Jake's house

It was such delightful time with all the aunts and uncles sitting around and visiting.

Mom driving the gocart with Morris at Grandpa Durtschi's house.

 It was a great weekend and we are so happy for Ethan and Brittany!

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Car crash

Kate had her first ever car accident. Luckily, no one was hurt. Sadly, Rachel (the name she gave this car) was totaled. She was driving east on 1200 N in Mapleton and someone pulled out of the jr. high parking lot without looking. There was a long line of cars so visibility was tricky. The other car was 100% at fault. Still so sad. 

Bye bye Rachel