Monday, November 26, 2007


We had the best Thanksgiving! We went up to Idaho and had the best time visiting Dad, Beth, and Rachel, and seeing Jake and Angie, then Melissa and Zac, and even Uncle Jim and Jeanne and their family. We relaxed, played games (became a little addicted to video games!), ate lots of good food, and even got to go ice skating! Kate loved seeing a dog and cat for the first time, she loved them! I love officially being in the holiday season too! My dad, Jeff, and Zac even got our Christmas trees up there! Maybe we will decorate today...


Audrey said...

I'm glad you guys had so much fun! We're bummed we missed you, but hopefully we'll see you over Christmas!

staci baker said...

That picture looks familiar in our home...Daddy watching a football game and holding a baby (but not paying attention to him/her)! Gotta love our football-loving husbands!

staci baker said...

And I'm so glad that you got to go home and be with most of your family for Thanksgiving! Now that Kate loves dogs, is she going to win Jeff over for a dog at your house? ;)