Thursday, June 12, 2008

Trip to California

Well, Kate and I went on a little mini vacation to California. My sister Whitney graduated from high school so Melissa and I went down there for a little moral support and had a good ole time! Kate loved having people around (especially her 5 month old cousin Teagan) and having a new place to explore--we swam in the neighborhood pool--played badminton at the park and just had a great time. We also got some fun sisters pictures taken--I will just link you to Melissa's blog so you can have a looksie.

We had quite a good time--the jumping pictures were the greatest!


Melissa said...

I feel used. haha I'm looking forward to a new post. :)

Lacey said...

you and your sisters look like a fun bunch! you are darling, and i think you're hilarious!

staci baker said...

Loved the pictures. You three sure look like sisters! Glad you could go and have a good time!

Jamie said...

So fun! I'm dying to go on ANY vacation. How did Kate do in the car? That's the one thing that worries me is having Annie in the car that long - yuck!

Glad you had fun!

BECKY said...

Oh man, they're HILARIOUS!!! I love the 'staring off in the distance' one... you do look so enlightened. :) They are all so dang cute!

Audrey said...

Cute pictures, the turned out great! You're looking really good these days miss Julie, you're super photogenic!