Thursday, October 1, 2009

Today, it's Worth it

The last 8 months, I'll admit, there have been a lot of hard days. Occasionally though, there are those days that I am so glad I am staying home. Today it just struck me. I am so happy to be a part of my kids' lives.


Rach said...

So neat! You are a great mom!
By the way, in this picture, Kate looks just like you!
We miss you guys!

Clarissa Meegan said...

I think about you often. I don't know how you do it. I can barely handle one newborn and two independent other children! You are be quite the lady!

Sandy said...

Oh wow! Your boys have grown so much. Sounds like you are doing an awesome job.

BECKY said...

So glad you posted. :) Is Scott on the left? Cute little toes!! Kate's hair is getting long! Woohoo!

Jamie said...

Okay. Cutest kids ever! I can't believe how big they all are. It looks like you have 3 kids who are all the same age. You are Wonder Woman!

Melissa said...

I'm SO glad you had a good day. I love those moments that make all our hard work worth it! Did Kate get a hair cut? Her her hair is so cute and she is looking so old. The boys have grown up too and they are EXTREMELY handsome, we think they look like Teagan so maybe we're biased, but your kids are SO cute!

Garth and Alicia said...

Julie! That is so sweet! Your children look so happy and well taken care of! Your boys are going to over take Kate soon huh! They have gotten so big. I miss you and want to see you.

MishMyBelle said...

AND THEY ARE SO LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!! Julie, the boys are getting so big! I think we are due for a phone date. Miss you!

Gloria said...

my goodness your boys are getting so big! You have such a cute family. :) Gloria

staci baker said...

I loved that! Yes, I feel the same way a lot! A lot of hard days, but the good ones need to overshadow the bad. Those good days make it all SO WORTH IT! You are AWESOME! I think about you often and hope things are getting a little easier as time goes by. Those kids sure are cute!

Julie Knowlton said...

I don't know how you do it. You are amazing. And look at those scrumptious faces. Yes, it is worth it. :)

Karin said...

You're amazing :)
Can you imagine life without them? It would be so blah.