I should preface this by saying I don't mean this as a complaint post. I actually think all of this combined together is pretty funny and I especially think the kids will enjoy reading this when they are older. So...enjoy a little flavor of the last couple weeks of young motherhood in the Lewis house:
I am sure I will forget some of these endearing things:
Lately, Scott and Austin have been known to
- play on the computer, when they see me coming they click as many buttons as fast as they can. Lovely.
- Pull all the ziploc bags out of the box and hand them to me or spread them throughout the house.
- Along with that, they love to pull out Saran Wrap
- The second either Austin or Scott hear the bathroom door open, they come running and play in the sink
- climb on the stools and fall off. If they make it to adulthood intact, I will feel successful.
- push the stool around the kitchen and get: gum (and try to eat as much as they can before I pull them down), spices, anything that looks interesting (especially off limits) on the counter
- drag cords all over the house; this includes cords attached (space heater), cell phone cords, the cord for the dust devil
- And the Grand Finale: Playing in the toilet. Yesterday, I found both boys sharing a cup and drinking from the toilet. Special. (Yes it had been flushed)
Yesterday, we were watching a show on tv where a sister was being mean to her 2 little brothers. I mentioned to Kate that the sister was not a nice sister and that we shouldn't act like her. I told Kate she needed to go teach her how to be nice.
Kate sat there for a minute thinking, then said, "But how am I going to get in the tv?"
Kate and Scott play together quite a bit right now and Austin and I kind of pal around. It changes every once in a while, and I find it so interesting.
There has been sickness in our house for two weeks solid. So far we have had 4 cases of Influenza A (with very high temperatures, the peak was 105.1), 3 cases of croup, and 3 ear infections, and one sinus infection. Luckily, no one was left out and we're still going strong. Here's to 3 weeks in a row!