Wednesday, February 16, 2011

To document:

I should preface this by saying I don't mean this as a complaint post. I actually think all of this combined together is pretty funny and I especially think the kids will enjoy reading this when they are older. So...enjoy a little flavor of the last couple weeks of young motherhood in the Lewis house:

I am sure I will forget some of these endearing things:

Lately, Scott and Austin have been known to
  • play on the computer, when they see me coming they click as many buttons as fast as they can. Lovely.
  • Pull all the ziploc bags out of the box and hand them to me or spread them throughout the house.
  • Along with that, they love to pull out Saran Wrap
  • The second either Austin or Scott hear the bathroom door open, they come running and play in the sink
  • climb on the stools and fall off. If they make it to adulthood intact, I will feel successful.
  • push the stool around the kitchen and get: gum (and try to eat as much as they can before I pull them down), spices, anything that looks interesting (especially off limits) on the counter
  • drag cords all over the house; this includes cords attached (space heater), cell phone cords, the cord for the dust devil
  • And the Grand Finale: Playing in the toilet. Yesterday, I found both boys sharing a cup and drinking from the toilet. Special. (Yes it had been flushed)

Yesterday, we were watching a show on tv where a sister was being mean to her 2 little brothers. I mentioned to Kate that the sister was not a nice sister and that we shouldn't act like her. I told Kate she needed to go teach her how to be nice.
Kate sat there for a minute thinking, then said, "But how am I going to get in the tv?"

Kate and Scott play together quite a bit right now and Austin and I kind of pal around. It changes every once in a while, and I find it so interesting.

There has been sickness in our house for two weeks solid. So far we have had 4 cases of Influenza A (with very high temperatures, the peak was 105.1), 3 cases of croup, and 3 ear infections, and one sinus infection. Luckily, no one was left out and we're still going strong. Here's to 3 weeks in a row!


BECKY said...
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BECKY said...

What cuties. And that IS special that they shared a drink. :)

Get better soon!!!!!

Melissa said...

Sounds horrible, but it will be nice to look back on that later and laugh....hopefully they grow out of some of that stuff before I get there...haha just kidding. :)

Raquel said...

im laughing at what your boys do only because mine have done ALL. like yesterday i caught them with cups in the toilet as well. i just hope they didnt drink any

Dedre said...

oh yuck...that's a bunch of sickness! So sorry!

I had to laugh that the boys to mischievous things too. Dang that bathroom door. I have a 7 year old and a 4 year old that "forget" alllll the time to shut the door. It KILLS me!

staci baker said...

You poor thing! We had 3 straight weeks of colds, too. All of the boys just about got better a couple of days ago....And then Tyler just got some sort of stomach bug and has been up groaning for the last two nights. It's it the best?! Gotta love winter and sick kids!

And it's pretty funny (for me) what the kids have gotten into. I can SO relate with my boys. I could tell stories about our happenings, too. You're not alone. Boys are just fun that way, aren't they!?

Beth said...

Did you get the flu or did Jeff? (4 cases). Great times in your household, precious time and memories!

Angie said...

Oh man, you are a champ! I am impressed you have all survived. I love the laundry list of things they're doing right now. I got a good chuckle out of it.

Mer said...

When my sister was 2 she drank out of the toilet using a shoe. :) Sorry to hear you've all been so sick! March will be a better month, I just know it.