Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Swimming Lessons

The kids did 2 sets of swimming lessons again this summer.  Austin and Scott were a little nervous at first, but all three ended up having a great time.  

Austin was a little nervous at first going down the slide, but ended up loving it.  He also improved a lot with swimming.  By the end, he was loving swim lessons.

Scott went down the slide A LOT during free time, at least 5 times each day, he really loved it.  A highlight for both boys is at the end when they get in a big circle and do Motor Boat and Ring around the rosy.

Kate improved so much this summer.  She kept getting candy bars for doing an extra good job.  She could jump off the diving board, then swim to the side all by herself.  It was pretty cool.

Ty just hung out with Mom and made cute faces.