Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ty at 11 months

This little man is growing up.  He gets more fun (and busy!) every day.  True to Lewis kid fashion, he is picky with what he eats, but very pleasant, happy, and self-entertaining the other time.  He sleeps pretty well.  He gets up at night occasionally, but can wait to eat til morning.  He likes the binky, but isn't crazy for it.  Ty is crawling all over, pulling up and starting to cruise a bit.  

 Ty loves his siblings, Kate is his second mom (and she is always very aware of him and his needs)

Ty also loves his brothers and they are good to let him play and patient with him wrecking their setups.  They are learning to put it high so Ty can't reach it.  Here are Ty and Austin

Here Austin wanted to cuddle Ty

Ty at the new house with his signature hat of the winter.

Ty loves to play (bang on) the piano.

Ty does this sometimes, not sure why, but it's so funny!

Ty always bathes with his brothers, Scott, Austin now.  They last a long time in the tub!

Ty is growing, babbling, and continues to be such a bright addition to our family.  We love you Ty Guy!