Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

We had a very festive Christmas Eve.  Whitney came over and we all made Gingerbread houses.  It was very sticky, lots of candy, super glue and good times!

Austin with his house, he was very proud of it!

Later on...We had Grandma and Grandpa Lewis over for dinner and some fun.  Ty, Kate, Scott, Austin (who chose to stay in his pajamas all day--seems to happen a lot!)

Scott, Kate, Austin in new Christmas pajamas and slippers.

Austin, Ty, Kate, Scott

We then read the Christmas story, then Twas the Night before Christmas

Played a new family game.

Then Don't Eat Santa, a new favorite

 We're so glad for the company that joined us throughout the day and grateful for the chance to celebrate Christ's birth and enjoy the spirit of the season!