Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The yard

The theme this year has been house projects.  One of the really big ones was the backyard.  There were tons of trees (these pictures were taken after most of the trees had already been removed).  There were posts from an old fence (probably built about 100 years ago) as well as chain link fence that trees and groups of trees were growing through.  We took these out by hand (and thought in hindsight that we should have just rented a backhoe).

 Austin, Scott--the kids would help us throwing things away, digging holes, then would just play.

Ty crawled around and got very filthy.

One of the posts we dug out.  You can't tell very well, but at the bottom, that is solid concrete with the concrete about 12 in diameter and about 30 in long. They were beasts.