Friday, April 25, 2014

Guess who decided to start walking?

Ty decided he was ready to walk in March/April, right around 15 months.  He has been standing since before Christmas and taking steps just about since then.  He just had to decide he was ready.

Of course Ty was running about a week later.

We got a special visitor right around this time--Uncle Robert!  The kids had so much fun getting to know him!

Ty currently really loves Blanky.  He loves cuddling it and carrying it all over.  If he is in bed and can't find his bubba, he will chew on Blanky.
 Kate for some reason thinks it's hilarious to put Ty in the laundry basket (luckily, Ty does too)

The kids love making forts, we made this one day (put sheets on after for a legitimate fort)!