Monday, June 16, 2014

June Camping

We went on a 2 night camping trip up to the Spruces.  The car was packed to the max--the kids had to get in, then we finished packing (luckily, it was a short drive)!!

This crew went and looked for some firewood right away (Jeff only feels comfortable if we have enough to last about a week)

We loved relaxing (Scott, mom, Ty, Austin, Kate)

 The second day we hiked above Silver Lake in Brighton resort, we went up to The Twin Lakes.

 Silver Lake behind us (Scott in the Nike shirt, Austin with the orange shirt)

At the top, the first of the twin lakes.  The kids were such great hikers on this 3 mile (roundtrip) hike.  

Back at camp, Ty loved playing in the dirt with buckets and trucks.

Our second night, we had some visitors, all the in town Lewis family came up to have dinner with us.

Our last morning, we had a yummy breakfast of pancakes and eggs, yum!

All in all, it was a success!