Thursday, August 21, 2014

July and August Randoms

Austin has taken an interest in Ty lately.  He loves to run into Ty's room in the morning and greet him, he always has songs for Ty, love for Ty, and time for Ty, it's very sweet. 

 Ty getting some love from Kate (she always is very willing too)

Scott who lately (and always) is very easy going.  You can often here from him, "Whatever, I don't care."  He is very sweet and unselfish in that way.

 Ty started this cheeser smile in July and it's pretty much his go to.

Kate LOVES taking pictures.  I find hundreds with Kate's trademark look all the time.

Kate climbing the rock wall at the school carnival.  Kate loves rock climbing and takes the opportunity every chance she gets.

Kate also learned how to mix, pour and flip pancakes this summer, it is a big help!

Of course, there was lots of outside play (and the car scenes did not end well!)