Wednesday, April 22, 2015

March/April/May fun

We celebrated Jeff's birthday on Cinco de Mayo.  The Bowles across the street were also celebrating a birthday and invited us over for a Cinco de Mayo pinata.  The kids were all excited!

Pretty sure Jeff broke it

Ty is getting to be quite the little speed demon on this bike.  He loves riding it all over and goes so fast.  It is kind of mesmerizing to watch such a little person go like he does!

We go on runs and walks a lot of mornings after dropping the kids off for school.  Ty is stretching with me after a run as he always does.

We got a new trampoline.  The kids love it!  (and the adults too)

Jeff got invited to substitute in a football league.  We were all so excited to watch him play because it has been forever.  We watched one game til Scott started throwing up (luckily we had a bowl!).  Jeff still had a lot of fun (Scott not so much)

Ty discovered the binoculars (along with many other things that are off limits to him) and was trying to figure him out.

And this cute little face is how Ty gets out of trouble!

Ty and Scott 

Scott has been so sweet with Ty the last few months.  Every day when it is nap time or bedtime at night, Scott runs in ahead and gets Ty's bubba and special blanky, helps shut the blinds and sing him a song.  He is so sweet.  Ty chooses whose lap he will sit on for prayer, and it is often Scott (although Ty loves being fought over, so he tried to get everyone to beg for him)

And another random snowstorm...

The kids and dad went somewhere, so Ty and I stayed home together.  He was so sweet, we were doing lots of puzzles, one of Ty's favorite activites.

 Ty and Scott wrestling around

Austin, Ty, Scott in the bathtub, loved by all 3!

Scott and Ty

Ty, Brooke, and Kate

Austin and Scott

Grandpa and Ty on conference weekend.  Ty always gets VERY excited when Grandpa visits!