Friday, November 4, 2016

Outing up the canyon

The McIntyres invited us up to a spot they like to go to up the canyon.  We packed up almost the entire house and went up for the day. We had some hotdogs for lunch, then the kids just played and played.  There was a hill close to where we were and they LOVED riding this big wheel down over and over again.  Austin had a small wipe out on his scooter (luckily he was wearing a helmet).  Surprisingly, no one crashed too bad on the big wheel.






Jeff working on a fire for us


Baby Logan, loving being out of the house

Such a rarity to get some real smiles out of Dad!  He had a fun day up there!

Kate, Ian, and Chris cooking hotdogs

Austin found a stump and used it as his table

Mom and baby cooking some hotdogs

Austin and Ty on a little hike

Ty, Austin, Kate, and Cini

 Scott, Ty, Kate, Austin, Cini, and Ian

 The kids made their own table and area to eat

It was a warm, beautiful day, what a great time!