Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas Eve and Christmas

We continued our tradition of decorating Gingerbread houses on Christmas Eve.  Whitney and Joe came over too which made it even more fun.

Dad and Austin working on Austin's house

Joe hung out with Logan a lot (which means entertained and kept baby happy) while everyone decorated houses.

 Clockwise: Ty, Austin, Scott, Kate

The kids all got one piece pajamas on Christmas Eve

Ty, Kate holding Logan, Austin, Scott

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis came over for dinner and let the kids open their presents that night, they all got legos and were so thrilled! (Logan got a new outfit) 

Clockwise: Kate, Scott, Dad, Ty, Austin all putting together their new Lego sets from Grandma and Grandpa




Christmas morning!  This is about 7:30 (the older kids were told they could wake up at 7, then we had to wait for Ty to wake up)

 Scott's present to us.  When he was making this at school, he just thought that it was a present for anyone.  So he said to Austin, from your Nemesis  (Kate helped him fix it)

Ty and Scott looking at their stockings

The kids all drew one name of their siblings.  It was such a special part of Christmas!
Austin drew Logan and got him a new fun baby toy, Austin is hugging baby.

Scott got Ty some Minion play dough, he loved it so much!

Logan drew Kate and picked out a nice Lego set for her

Austin was so thrilled with his umbrella from Ty

Scott and Austin so excited about the Star Wars set Grandma and Grandpa Durtschi got them.

This basketball game was from Santa and was really fun for the whole family.

Kate got a new BYU soccer jersey.

We had a wonderful Christmas.  We were all healthy and enjoyed a nice day together!  We went to church for an hour where the kids were very squirelly, but we got to sing a lot of church songs, it was really nice.