Monday, July 3, 2017

Camping with Friends

We went on a big camping trip over the fourth of July weekend.  We bought lots of goodies (we ended up using these for a few trips)

We had lots of fun rocks around our campground.  Here, Kate and Austin are trying to climb this rock.

Kate, Austin, Dad, Scott



Dad helping Ty

Scott, Ty, Logan, Mom

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis came up and had dinner with us the first night.

Scott, Austin

The McIntyres came up the second day and camped for the rest of the time.  We had so much fun with them!  Mom and Logan left after camping for two nights--everyone got sick of such small amounts of sleep and Logan was All Done!

Logan loved playing in the dirt

The kids having a war with some other kids in a neighboring campsite

We went to Jordanelle one day.  The McIntyres brought their paddle boat, the kids all had SO much fun on it!

 Austin in the front, Scott in back, Mom holding Logan, than Ian with Ty behind

Austin, Ian, Scott

Dad and Mom got stuck in some trees

We had such a great weekend.  We loved being with great friends, enjoying the outdoors and just being together!  Hopefully next year, Logan will want to sleep through the night!