Saturday, September 30, 2017

Early fall randoms

Logan got really really sick for a solid week.  Mom and Dad were really worried, but he got over it just fine.

Scott and Ty couldn't resist jumping on the Sinclair dinosaur.

Austin is always so cute with Logan, Logan really enjoys Austin!

Getting ready for Halloween (Ty)


These 2 are getting to be such good buddies.  The second Logan wakes up, he is yelling Ty's name at the top of his lungs.  We have to make sure and shut Ty's door because Logan has been known to run in and wake up Ty (luckily Ty loves it).  I am so glad they have each other during the long day while the kids are gone.

Logan loving to build some trains.

Family basketball night.  Austin is wearing the white and blue jersey, Scott is wearing the long white shirt.

Ty, Scott, and Austin reading together

Kate with her teacher, Mrs. Halloran

One day, Ty and Logan got dropped off at a friend's house to be babysat, Logan was so sad.  He immediately dissolved in tears and ran for Ty with his arms out.  Then Logan collapsed on the floor.  This is Ty comforting him.  They are so dang sweet!

Logan loves this little hoop

Such is the life of the fifth child during soccer season.  September was pretty crazy for our family.  The county does soccer in four weeks, so each team has a weeknight game and a Saturday game.  Mom and Dad coached Kate's team as well as Austin and Scott's team.  It was a busy month and sadly, no pictures were taken!  Kate's team had a lot of losses, but Kate got to play with friends and had some really great plays!  Austin and Scott's team won most of their games.  Austin and Scott both were powerhouses on the team and have become really dependable players.  We love soccer!

Austin, Ty, Logan, Scott