Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

We had such a fun Halloween!  Scott decided to be Harry Potter and Kate was going to be Hermione.  Slowly, everyone decided to be Harry Potter as well!

Here is Ty at his Halloween party for preschool

They did a cute little parade

They then sat down and sang some songs for us

Trying on some costume stuff...

This was actually the day before--Kate had crazy hair day and we made her hair a donut, yummy!

Logan trying on his cape--Mom made all 5 of the capes and had a lot of fun having a big project. 


The patches we made to sew on each robe

Kate right before school as Hermione

Scott as Harry Potter (hair dyed black and all) and Austin decided to go to school as Darth Vader

Austin using the force on Mom 

Scott in the parade

Austin in the parade

Kate in her parade at her new school.  The parades were at the same time, so Dad went and watched Kate's parade.

Austin and Scott's class party, Mom and Grandma Packer both helped.  Here, Austin, Scott, and Ty are playing Don't Eat Pete and Bingo.

Austin is trying to stack 21 cups in a tower in 1 minute

Grandma Packer did a game where you tried throwing jacks into little bowls, she got a lot of help from Ty and Logan

Austin and Scott's group decorating pumpkin cookies

Break time--these 2 boys love the computer (Ty is doing his online preschool)

We even went to speech dressed up in Halloween costumes

Kate taking a load off (isn't this the perfect Hermione picture?!?)

Time to trick or treat!

Austin, Scott, Kate, Mom holding Logan, Dad, Ty 



Grandma Packer and Mom brought the two little ones home once they got tired

Getting a little snack (Logan is always game for any of Ty's big ideas)

Grandma and Grandpa Lewis came over to see all of the kids' candy.

Kate with her candy
 We had a really fun Halloween this year.  The kids were all really excited about their costumes and we all loved the theme!  Can't wait til next year!