Saturday, March 30, 2019

Happy Birthday Kate

We were so excited to celebrate Kate and her turning 12.  Here she is with her new lava lamp.  She has been very excited about decorating her room.

Kate wanted an at home birthday party.  Here are all the girls doing an elaborate treasure hunt that Mom made.

Here are all of the girls watching Napoleon Dynamite.

The whole crew
                                          Malynn, Brooklyn
Mckenzie, Kate, Lucy, Sarah, Melia, Kassidy, Emma

Kate playing with some of her presents

Random:  Kate sewing all of the young women personal progress placemat folders.  She did an awesome job!
We sure love this girl and are glad she is a part of our family!
Color: Turquoise-ish Teal-ish kind of colors
Food: Mashed potatoes, Tacos, all kinds of potatoes
Fruit: Champagne Mangos
Dessert: Vanilla No Bake Cookies (which she makes herself), Caramel Cake
Friends: Lucy, Brooklyn, Kayli, Emma
Movie: Enchanted, Ella Enchanted, Napoleon Dynamite
Book: The Land of Stories, Ella Enchanted, Fablehaven, Tuesdays at the Castle series, Wide Awake Princess series, Cupcake Diaries (When asked this question, Kate said, "Do you have time for this?"
Animal: Deer and Zebras
Drink: Lemonade
Thing To Do: Read, play with friends
Restaurant: Wendy's and Cafe Rio