Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Springtime with Cousins

Brian and Elise and their family came down for a weekend so Brian could go to a writing conference.  The kids LOVED having their cousins here.  On one of the days, we went to the zoo.

Everyone has fun on the zoo train!

A couple of weeks later, we got to go to the zoo again with cousins--this time with Staci and kids.
Here is Logan with his cousin Tanner (only 11 days difference between these two)

We got a surprise visit one night from Sheri, Finley, and Gracie.  It was such a fun surprise and fun to hang out with them for the night!

Kate and Emma wearing their matching outfits

Playing Splendor with Grandma Lewis

Melissa and Zac had a little getaway and their kids came and stayed with us for a few days.  They all were loving the chairs at Sam's Club

Logan loved helping Everly

The kids were playing sick and had servants, this was a favorite!