Thursday, July 4, 2019

Durtschi Family Reunion

We went to Idaho over the 4th of July for a Durtschi family reunion, it was so fun!

When we first arrived, we were seeing Austin and Scott for the first time in a week.  We drove up to find Austin driving this excavator and Scott was driving Grandpa's dump truck.  We were very surprised!

Grandpa, Austin, Scott

Austin, Grandpa, Scott

Grandma, Austin, Grandpa, Scott 

Playing at Grandpa's lake

The kids all loved playing on this floating island.

For the fireworks, we went downtown to visit the big fireworks display. It was pretty spectacular!

For one of the activities, all the men wore shirts with candy glued on and ran around while all the kids tried to grab the candy off of the shirts.

All the grandkids in the clubhouse.  This was one of the main jobs Austin and Scott worked on during their week with grandpa Durtschi, painting and helping finish this up!

Riding Grandpa's new zipline

Making food at Melissa's

Everyone went to Melissa's house to ride on the slip 'n slide one day, all of the cousins had so much fun together.

We love coming to Idaho!  Can't wait til next time!