Friday, September 13, 2019

Random Fall

We have had a wonderful fall.  We have been camping and riding our new toys a lot.  It has been a fun family activity!

Logan on Mom's fourwheeler

Ty, Kate and Logan having a tea party, they love to do this!

Kate and Logan

Grandpa Lewis with Logan at Ty's soccer game

Scott giving Logan a shoulder ride

Austin giving Logan a tiger ride

Logan spends a LOT of time doing puzzles

Logan headed off on an expedition

Kate and Austin trying to make a slow motion fighting video

Mom and Dad enjoying a Grandma Grace's at Leatherbys

The upstairs kids' bathroom toothpaste

Kate and Kayli riding Kayli's bike

Some fun times with young women

Scott reading

Logan learned to ride without training wheels. He rode around a couple of times, then asked to put them right back on.

Austin and Scott playing some Chess at scouts