Thursday, April 9, 2020

Coronavirus Fun

Kate has been cooking a lot while we are all home together.

When we go to the store, we have to wear masks. We have never worn masks for any sickness before this. Uncle Brian sent us a bunch of these N95 masks.

One day, Ty had to take pictures of spring for an assignment. He took these pictures of our tulips and daffodils.

We love having Dad home all the time!

On an afternoon, some jets from Hill Air Force base did a fly over around the whole valley. It was pretty incredible. Dad and the four older kids climbed on the roof to watch.

Mom has been working on this quilt. This is one square of it (the fabric is cut into 4 inch squares). Mom and Dad need a new quilt for their bed.

Someone brought us donuts!

Ty helping to cook

Scott is making a space ship for Logan.

It has been a different time, but we have been enjoying being home together (for the most part).