Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June Fun

We started getting out more in June. Things have not been opened all the way, but much more than they were.

This is Mom with some colleagues at Mountain Heights for graduation

Austin went to his teacher's house at the end of school to kind of check out. Mrs. Halloran is a very special teacher!

Dad got to go on a "field trip" to check out some roads.

Mom and Kate worked on making this quilt from fabric scraps (and even finished it!)

The kids loved building elaborate tunnels and other systems in the sandbox

Austin got braces a few weeks ago too!

Hiking with the Birdsalls in Cottonwood Heights

We got to take Teagan home for a few days and all of the kids loved it!

We got lunch from school one day

Teagan got a prize from the basket!

Playing with McIntyre's

Mom made badges for Ty and Logan

We even got to babysit a Buckner grandchild!

We love being in full on summer mode!