Tuesday, December 29, 2020

December Happenings

Logan decided one night to wear his flip flops to bed.

Scott and Logan met Santa at Target!

Mom loves tennis time with Chris--especially in December!!

Austin and Scott making some treats



Mom finally finished all of these crochet animals in mid-December. These are presents for each of the kids on Christmas Eve.

We got a visit from Grandma and Grandpa. We haven't seen them for so long! They planned a treasure hunt for the kids.

Kate holding baby Felix

Scott photo bombing

Hanging out with the McIntyre's (this feels like a New Years Eve video that is out of place...)

Scott reading

Logan did his own hair

This crew LOVES playing together. There are many play dates with these and they will play for hours.


Austin and Ty skiing at Brighton

Mom and Ty playing cards

Doing the spit Covid-19 test