Thursday, April 22, 2021


This spring was a magical time. All of the kids were loving their friend groups and played often together. Here, Logan is playing with his crew--Ethan, Zeke, Claire, and Kate Horton.

Ty reading to Logan

Mike and Kelli brought Logan a treat for his birthday.

The kid love feeding the horses behind the Christensen's house.

Kate doing Mom's hair

No table left (we had already sold it) and Ty and Grandma play card games together.

Dad fixing bike tires (a common occurrence) 

Ready to go!

We went to the park and played--Logan and Ty being silly

Staci and kids came to visit--here, we are having a party at Grandma and Grandpa Lewis' house

Hiking on the Jordan River Parkway with Grandpa Lewis

Kate loves painting mustaches on her brothers and other facial hair (in permanent marker!!!)

Dad changing the oil on his dirtbike

Ty loves wearing his one piece pajamas every chance he gets

Playing at West Jordan City Park with Hortons and Bolkes

Logan and Kensley--inseparable

Dad helping Austin back over the fence after fetching a ball.

Logan holding Baby Beau

Kate loves hanging out with her friend group.
Seth, Jacob, Everett, Kate, Kayli, Ryan
Austin, Scott

Dad drinking his daily smoothie

Scott and Austin saved up and bought a Nintendo Switch

Jake and Angie visited on their Spring Break and hung out for the night, so fun to see them!

Kate and Austin helping Ty do a back flip

Unintentional twins

Logan loves Legos

Kate might be getting too big for the pediatric dentist

Jeff soaking his ankle after spraining it.

After a long hiatus, we got the stilts out and the kids realized they love them!

New chairs from the Balmforths--we love them!

Kate got invited to the Jr. Honor Society

Logan had pirate day at preschool

 It has been a magical spring--definitely bittersweet knowing it is our last here.