Saturday, April 10, 2021

Happy Birthday Logan

We sure love this big 5 year old boy and were so happy to celebrate him.

Logan loves wearing these sunglasses all over the place.

Logan chose grasshopper pie for his birthday cake.

We had a party another night and this was his cake that he blew out the candles on.

Logan was THRILLED to get this Paw Patrol truck. He loves Paw Patrol so much.

Ty of course, is always close by!

Logan's Favorites:
Candy Bar: Reeces Peanut Butter Cup, Star-worst
Book: Elephant and Piggie
Movie: Cars 
Friends: Kensley, Ethan, and Zeke
Hobbies: Playing with siblings (especially Ty), playing with friends, sandbox
Dinner: Homemade Mac'n'Cheese
TV Show: Paw Patrol
Color: Green 
Fast Food: Wendy's
Drink: Dr. Pepper

We are so happy to have you in our family Logan! You have so many nicknames, make us all laugh and we love you! Happy Birthday