Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Fall Randoms

One of Mom's goals all summer was to get these lights up. Finally, it happened. There was a lot of trial and error. It was so windy, so weak spots became apparent quickly, but finally, we got them up!

The kids love playing with the Nelsons. Here, Kate and Pearl ride around together.

Truman takes Pearl, Eli, and Austin for a ride

We went over to the Southams to see their new kittens and we even got to hold their pet snake.

Scott holding the snake

Austin showing his delicious breakfast--complete with multiple kinds of berries and Kate's homemade buttermilk syrup.

Scott with his delicious breakfast

Logan fell asleep like this one night. We joked that he takes his mask wearing VERY seriously.

Ty has found two new friends here and the three get along so well. They are pretty mischievous together, but so darn cute! Here they are as they sneak around together after church.

This was the summer of Walker Edison furniture. Mom bought and sold 12 patio sets along with miscellaneous other furniture. This was one of the patio sets Mom is putting together.

Here, we are at Kate's soccer game. Dad did not want to get his legs sunburnt, so he used chair bags and put them over his legs.

Emily reading a book to Logan

Dad planning out who is going to which BYU game this fall.

Kate and Pearl building rabbit cages.

The Nelsons all came over and we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Mom signed up to bring some bread and honey butter to a stake social. Little did Mom know, this would actually be in a booth and we needed to give out samples. Ty was excited to man this and did a great job!

Ty has been learning how to mow the lawn, here he is mowing the park strip.

Whitney and family came and visited from Puerto Rico. Here, Kate is holding cute Felix

Austin playing with Felix

Eating cupcakes they made together

Logan playing with his friend, Miles at Miles' house

Sunday game time with Nelsons

Fall colors

We went to the Onion days parade in Payson

Austin being funny with glasses while waiting for his Covid shot

Logan and Ty playing Scott at Chess

Dad and Logan having quesadillas together

The Nelsons came over the morning their brother was going to the MTC and had breakfast with us

Kate and her friend Maddie, going to their first stake dance