Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Church Sites and Niagara Falls

FYI - This post is not in chronological order (start at the bottom of this post and move up for chronological order)

At the Susquehanna River. It was so beautiful and peaceful. It was a very spiritual place.

Having some Wendy's for lunch (we had a lot of Wendy's)

In front of the Palmyra temple after we finished church. Interesting story from church. A rougher looking man walked into church chatting on the phone with someone at Walmart. He was very friendly though!

In the Sacred Grove in Palmyra. Such a spiritual place, one of everyone's favorite stops.

All the kids tried to lift this box which is as heavy as the Golden Plates. We were surprised how heavy it was. (This is Scott)


Austin, Scott, Kate, Mom, Dad, Ty and Logan in front

We loved Niagara Falls so much! This was everyone's first time here and it was truly incredible. It was raining, but it didn't matter because we got soaked from the waterfall runoff.

This is a picture on the Canadaian side of Niagara Falls. It was beautiful!
Logan, Mom, Scott, Austin, Kate, Jeff, Ty

Jeff's first time in Canada since the bubble fountain incident.

Officially in New York! (Scott on the right, Austin on the left)

On the top tower after Maid'o'the Mist
Austin left, Scott right

Dad, Austin, Scott, Kate, Mom, Ty and Logan in front

Scott, Austin, Ty, Logan, Dad, Kate, Mom

Mom and Scott

When we were driving to Buffalo, we decided to stop at Lake Erie. Much to our delight, we found the best skipping rocks ever. The beach was loaded with millions of perfect skipping rocks. We were there for about 30 minutes skipping as many rocks as we could. (In the picture we are all holding rocks).

Kate, Austin, Ty, Mom, Dad, Scott, Logan in front



Dad, Scott, Kate, Austin

Kate and Austin



Logan, Ty, Austin, Scott

Kirtland was SO interesting. It was fun to see so many sites that we have heard about or seen pictures of for decades. Mom really loved this store and especially all the bonnets. The store seemed straight out of a book!

Dad, Austin, Kate, Scott, Mom
Ty and Logan in front

Austin, Scott, Dad, Logan

We got to walk through many houses. This was Joseph and Emma's house when they lived in Kirtland.

Ty, Austin, Logan, Dad, Kate, Scott

The Kirtland temple was SO cool! We loved getting to walk around inside and see everything we have seen so many pictures of.

Mom, Austin, Kate, Scott, Jeff, Ty and Logan in front

Hank Smith told Logan he would give him $5 if he could find John Johnson's grave by himself. 

Scott, Ty, Austin

Mom met her good friend Cheryl Southam's sister in law in Kirtland.

One of Logan's many nicknames - Gogans

The kids loved finding our twin van

John Johnson's house

Ty and Logan had the best time at this pool.

Just landed in Cleveland!

Mom and Scott sat separate from everyone else.

At Salt Lake airport. Mom, Ty, Dad, Kate, Austin in blue, Scott in red

On our way to Salt Lake airport
We loved seeing all of the church sites! By the time we were done, the kids were pretty spent, but everything was so interesting. Also, not pictured are the Grandin building where the Book of Mormon was printed, the Hill Cumorah, where Moroni showed Joseph the Golden Plates, and in Susquehana where people lived. On to Gettysburg!