Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Jeff is the Man!

Woo Hoo! Jeff got his results back from his Professional Engineering exam...and HE PASSED!!! There are smiles at our house tonight!

I know I already posted this picture, but I am still in amazement over all the books he brought. It was an open book test, so these were his study materials.
We are so proud of you Jeff! (And glad we don't have to do it again)


Brenda said...

Congrats on the exam score!!! Great work!

Meghan said...

Isn't it a relief? Sometimes I can't believe these guys! Jeff is so busy with work, family, church, and being out of school for a few years and he still passed with flying colors. I'm so impressed.

I remember thinking the same thing about Steve. We were literally MOVING the NEXT DAY to Mississippi and he had so much on his plate and still managed to pass. Our husbands are amazing!!! Congrats Jeff!

Melissa said...

YEAH!!!!!! I'm SO impressed and excited for all of you!

BECKY said...

I'm so glad you made him pose for that pic. And CONGRATS to you guys!!!!!!! SO wonderful!!!

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh! Congrats to ALL of you!

staci baker said...

WAHOO! That's huge! Way to go, everyone! We're very excited for you guys. This means no more tests ever, ever again for him, right? I hope so!

Garth and Alicia said...

YAY! What a relief! Go Jeff! You are the man!