I am finally posting about Christmas +- a week on each side or so... starting with Christmas Eve
For the 2009 Christmas Eve, for fun, I made everyone matching pajama pants. They were very amateur, but it was kind of fun! We had Christmas at our house and my mom and my little sister Whitney came and spent it with us, it was a lot of fun!
Jeff in his pajama pants

Kate LOVED the blanket my mom made her, she is always hauling it around the house.

We weren't that surprised that Whitney ignored us all of Christmas Eve to read a book. It was a really good one, and it isn't the first time we have been ignored by Whitney. ( I can't judge, I ignored the family for a day while I read it too)

Jeff's parents and brother came over to spend Christmas Eve with us, we had lots of goodies (the majority of which were from Margaret), played a game, read the Christmas story, and just had a nice time.
Scott with Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa got this basketball hoop for the boys, they LOVED it!

This is now Christmas Day. Kate got this necklace in her stocking, and still loves wearing it as a headband.


Grandma Packer with her snuggie and book. Does life get better than this?



It was the year of the kitchen set for Kate, and she has loved it. I was probably more excited than her about it!

Kate LOVES to help Daddy shovel the walks.

The day after Christmas, my brother and his family came and visited


I can't help but love this picture...

The kids watched a movie together. They play together so well, it is so sweet!

The lone girls




We went to Idaho for New Years and had so much fun! these kids had fun in the bath tub... then five minutes later, Kate and Teagan were crtying and the boys were slipping all over the place. It was a very short bath.

Kate and Rachel played doctor and fixed everyone. I got a pretty funny video I may post!


Grandpa pulled all the kids around in this huge sled behind the snowmobiles. They had so much fun! Sasha is on Kate's lap. Grant is in the back left, Ethan in front of him, and Kate in the front right.

Over Christmas, both Austin and Scott got really sick. They got fevers up to 103.9. I was freaking out! I'm so glad my mom was there to help me get their fevers down! This is Scott. By the time he got it, we realized it was just a virus that made their temperatures get up really high with no other symptoms. It was really weird actually. Austin got it first, we took him to the doctor, but they couldn't find anything, so they figured it was viral.

The boys sleep in their crib together these days. They are pals, they are always smiling and laughing at each other. I love it.

Austin is really on the move. He is AWESOME at going backwards. As of yesterday, he can move forward, it is a really funny sight to see! Anyway, he is always getting stuck under things, beds are a common occurrance.

My brother made us that table in the background--it is beautiful! I was so excited about it!

The kids got some Mega Bloks for Christmas, and we have been having so much fun with them! It took me back!

Kate and her brothers have so much fun together. I'm so glad they have each other!

Kate and Daddy playing Candyland

The boys are recently LOVING bread.

This sight is seen three times a day in our house. I am used to it, but I thought years down the road, it might be kind of funny!

Austin stuck again.

Kate is such a little helper. She is always wanting to vacuum, mop, change diapers (we don't let her do that one.)

We had such an awesome Christmas. It was so nice to spend time with so much family! And I have to say, I just loved being at home and relaxing. It was a wonderful holiday season!
Your boys are getting so, SO big! I can't believe it! Wow.
I'm going to have to remember than you guys are private...
such cute pics! how old are you boys now?
my boys got the bigger version of that kitchen and love it
LOVED the pictures. My favorites are the ones of the boys tackling kate! So fun. The legos make me slightly regretful, but we can just come to your house when we want to build a mighty fortress.
Your comments make me laugh, as always. Great post!
Thanks for the update. It looks like you've had fun! I love all the pictures. I love how Kate is such a helper. Those boys just look so happy all of the time. So cute! I'm glad you got to be with so many family members over Christmas time. So is Kate getting the hang of Candyland now? And I love the pic of the kids eating together. I think two is a lot to handle at mealtime. You must have quite the operation going to get them all fed and content! You're amazing!
I forgot to say: hahahahaha about whitney reading books....SO TRUE. And that is why we love her so much.
loved the picture overload..fun fun fun! your kid are super cute. I love that he is best at crawling backwards. There is a little boy in our ward the same age as your's and he only crawls backwards too. too cute!
Oh my heck, this is your best post ever! So many FABULOUS pictures. I love how in the picture of the five of you on Christmas, Scott and Austin look EXACTLY the same--they're looking the same way and everything. Wow, seriously you have adorable kids... sooooo much fun!!!
LOVE pictures! pictures are great! i love them all. i guess fevers with no other symptoms is not as unusual as you may think... lots of kids up here have had that going on. weird! you are such a cute family!
Cute pictures, Julie! You have a beautiful family!
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