Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love these 88 cent pajamas

It's funny, these pajamas were only 88 cents each--given to us by one of the best bargain shoppers of all time. They have ended up being my favorites! I love how they hug my boys' bodies, especially because they are so big. They just make me giggle when they wear them.

Scott (he has started grinding his teeth, Kate did the same thing)

Austin (happy as can be and wants to get into anything and everything, he is also becoming quite the accomplished mover--only backwards)

A typical scene at our house...Scott sees a toy Austin has--Austin knows and tried to keep the toy for himself.

Scott reaches for it, I don't know what happened this time, but there is a lot of toy stealing going on. It used to be always Scott, but Austin is holding his own!

Happy boys, they are sure getting to be a lot of fun!


Rachel said...

man you have some cute boys there. I can't believe they are getting so big.

BECKY said...

Wow they are getting harder to tell apart! I love their eyes and smiles! And awesome pictures catching a true moment. :) I LOVE those pajamas... they look ADORABLE in them!

Raquel said...

just wait until they are bigger and can run and yank the toy out of the others hand. my boys do this on a daily basis.
they are getting so big!!! you need to make a trip up here and we need to get together

Angie said...

Adorable little boys!

daegan said...

twins and 88 cent pj's??? seriously!!! how can that get any better? hmm... 87 cent pj's and quadruplets??? nah.

those boys are SO sweet. xoxo

Taryn said...

oh my gosh..they are soooo cute!!! they do look so cute in those jammas! I think one of these days we are gonna have to set our kids up :)lol

Marian said...

Your kids are soo cute! It's so fun to see them. I don't think I've ever seen the twins. I bet you are such a great mom!!! What a fun family!