Friday, April 30, 2010

Loving the Outdoors

Kate and Austin
Austin--this is a funny face Austin makes. In fact, he is always making funny faces, and especially to people he doesn't know, he has got the crusty face down.

We have been LOVING being outside. All three of the kids' favorite thing is playing with water. They just love splashing and measuring with their little cups. It's pretty cute.

Both Austin and Scott were terrified of the grass, but Scott has overcome his fear and crawls all over the grass. Austin is still so scared of the grass. It paralyzes him! He'll sit at a funny angle just so he can touch it the least amount possible. We can sit him down in one spot and he will just stay there for 20 minutes. This came as a big surprise just because inside Austin is NOT satisfied staying in one spot, he is all over the place. It's pretty entertaining.

I had to post some warm weather pictures just to remember we have had some nice weather even though it snowed today (and stuck!) Blah! Warm weather is just around the corner though, yea!!!

The boys are getting so fun, especially because it seems that they have stopped throwing up! Our house is pure bliss right now. Along with that, they have been sleeping great. They go to bed between 7-8 and have been getting up around 7--and not even crying, just talking happily! It only took us 15 months, but it is so nice. It just makes life beautiful! It's so nice because we really have just been enjoying our boys.


Melissa said...

YEAH for sleeping through the night!!!!! Somehow I missed that in our phone conversations. Those bubble pictures of Kate are precious! That hat is adorable!

malewis said...

So there IS light at the end of the tunnel? So glad you and the kids can enjoy being outside! That water table was a brilliant purchase. I too think Kate's hat is a winner.

daegan said...

i love hearing all the great things from this post! the lack of barfing and the all night sleeping must make life pure bliss! i can't wait for all night rest for me, boog and domino! she also hates the grass... i can keep her on a blanket in the middle of the lawn. she's so mobile now, it's nice to have that restraint again ;)
such cute kids!!!

BECKY said...

What cute pictures! I love how Kate has her hat on sideways... what a stylish babe! :) Aaron and I have been making the crusty face all week... we think it's HILARIOUS!

Brian and Elise said...

Cute pictures! I love the smiles. I'm sure you are thrilled that they are sleeping so long at night. I'll bet they're much happier too!

Angie said...

No barfing and sleeping through the night?!?! That's awesome! I CANNOT wait for sleeping through the night. Love the pics. Especially the bubbles.

Jamie said...

Darling pictures!!! I appreciate the reminder that we've had warm days recently. I hate this snow!

Angie said...

I love watching kids the first few times they are out in the grass, they are so funny about it!! Cute pictures, and I too love Kate's hat!!

Beth said...

Who knew that a full night's sleep and a lack of throwing up could equal joy? I heard once that living in a house full of small children is like living in a fraternity house: not much sleep and a lot of throwing up.

Karin said...

How come your blog isn't updating on my list? Kate really is starting to look grown up. I'll bring your books back soon. I'm almost done with #2 and I've really enjoyed them!!

AmyB said...

Such sweet pictures! Little Kate does not look so little anymore. Yeah to no more puking and night waking. I love my kids being little but sure have enjoyed them getting older and more independent!