Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy 5th Anniversary!

It is weird that we've been married 5 whole years, and also weird that we've been married only 5 years! All I know is I have loved these 5 years. They have been the best of my life. There have been ups and downs, but I feel that we have grown closer through them. I am so happy and feel so lucky that I have Jeff in my life. I honestly don't know what I would do without him.

This picture is in my top 2. I love it.

This is #1. Happy day.

It's okay if you laugh. I was trying to get that just right look with these flowers and sorry folks, I just don't think I have IT.

Those are roses Jeff got me, oh I loved them. They are now hanging to dry (so the kids can slowly tear them apart once I put them in a vase.) I love it!


AmyB said...

I totally remember your announcement picture like it was yesterday. I had it hanging on my fridge forever and I don't hang anything on my fridge!! Everyone who came to my house commented on how cute it was. Congrats on 5 years! Alot has happened since then huh? You two make a great team :)

Melissa said...

I LOVE the flower pose, that is just perfect. hehahehahaaa I have so many of "those" type of pictures that I'm not brave enough to put online!

Congrats you two! If you two can stay happy with your slew of kids then it means it's possible for the rest of us. :)

Beth said...

Congratulations! I love that you are happily married, good for you guys! Before you know it, it will be 35 years!