Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One of these days...

The kids are all growing up so much, but the big news is:

The boys are both walking!! Austin actually has been for a while. He took his first steps a while ago and keeps increasing--he is up to 10-15 steps (walking across the room). Scott hasn't been as interested in walking and hadn't really tried until yesterday. He took four steps on his first try! He has been walking around today a bit.

Kate is starting to learn her letters. She is such a sponge right now as far as learning is concerned. She is so excited to learn letters and numbers and also to be read to. She loves singing songs. We have her going to preschool next year and she is so excited.

Pictures soon.


Angie said...

Oh how cute! I can't wait to see them toddling around!

Melissa said...

They're walking?!?!? You forgot to mention that. How fun! Now Teagan can teach them how to run wild...and maybe Kate can teach them all a little about knowledge. :)

malewis said...

Wow! Can't wait to see this new trick! This new mobility will keep mom and dad on their toes! I can just see Scott and Austin silently communicating to take off in opposite directions when they want to cause trouble!
I know Kate will LOVE preschool!

Beth said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing this major milestone.

Garth and Alicia said...

Can't wait for pics or video of them walking. They are so darling. All three of them! You and Jeff are pretty darn cute too. :)

staci baker said...

Yay! I love it when my kids start to walk. They're more content because they can explore more, and they don't get the knees in their pants as dirty anymore! Kate is such a sweet little girl. She is the best behaved kid. It makes me want a girl! I can just see her being a mathematician like her mom. I'm glad she'll be in preschool. Peyton will go the following year because his birthday is October.

AmyB said...

Pre-school?! What will you do with yourself and only 2 kids at a time? Walking=trouble! HA HA I am sure you know that though!

Brian and Elise said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see them!