Thursday, November 18, 2010


I was doing my hair in braids the other day and had already done Kate's hair in braids. When I was done, I said, "Look Kate, we're twins."

Kate said, "What are those?"

Made me laugh! Ever since we found out we were having Scott and Austin, we have called them "the boys." From the beginning, I didn't want to call them "the twins." (like "the boys" is a whole lot better!) It's been really important to me to make them feel like separate individuals. Anyway, I RARELY refer to them as twins so I guess that's why Kate doesn't know what twins are.


Raquel said...

we're the same way! we call ours the boys as well. it irritates me when people refer to them as "the twins"

Anonymous said...

We were always known as "The Buckner Twins" among our friends. But at home, when my dad refers to "the girls" we know he's referring to me and Sarah. Nice mixture.

Dedre said...

haha how funny! everyone looks at twins differently. I want my kids to love that they are the unique and are "twins' not everybody gets that cool privilege. they have plenty of time to be unique, but why not relish in the fact that they ARE UNIQUE by being twins! I know they will have a special bond no matter what. So I don't want to try to drive a wedge between that "twins" thing by making them not aware that they are twins :)lol. I guess I'm old fashioned. That's why we named them alike. We call the twins the twins, because well, we have kind of another set of girls. I guess the trick will be to make time for each of them, and help them each achieve their own success. But I hope to be honest, they team up a lot and achieve success together. They came into this world together for a reason, I hope they grow and endure this world together too! BFF takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to twins in my opinion!

Dedre said...

haha how funny! everyone looks at twins differently. I want my kids to love that they are the unique and are "twins' not everybody gets that cool privilege. they have plenty of time to be unique, but why not relish in the fact that they ARE UNIQUE by being twins! I know they will have a special bond no matter what. So I don't want to try to drive a wedge between that "twins" thing by making them not aware that they are twins :)lol. I guess I'm old fashioned. That's why we named them alike. We call the twins the twins, because well, we have kind of another set of girls. I guess the trick will be to make time for each of them, and help them each achieve their own success. But I hope to be honest, they team up a lot and achieve success together. They came into this world together for a reason, I hope they grow and endure this world together too! BFF takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to twins in my opinion!

Leslie said...

So funny! Of all little girls you'd think she would have known. She's at such a fun age.

Angie said...

Love it! She's so sweet. I adore that little Kate.

Melissa said...

I Love it, that little Kate is a crack up. I can't wait to see her in 6 days, well really only like 3 days since tomorrow is basically here and by tuesday it will only be the next day so we only have to wait for 3 whole days.

Interesting Twin thoughts Dedre, I've never heard of it like that, but I think you might be on to something there. :)

BECKY said...


Beth said...

Sure fun to see the world through kids' eyes. A very special and short-lived time. Thank you for sharing!