Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Odds and ends February-March

I debated posting these since I'm way behind, but this is what happens every day.  These pictures are so typical of the kids and they can be found doing these things every single day.  

Scott feeding his baby
 Kate helping--she loves cleaning this back sliding glass door--it needs to be cleaned all the time!
 These two boys are always riding the trike like this.  Cracks me up every time!
 Daddy giving Scott some exercise
 Kate giving Austin a piggy back ride
 Kate showing some dance moves
 Jeff and I went on a little over-nighter the first of March.  We went skiing at Brighton during the day and had so much fun!  The kids had to try out our goggles.
 Scott and Kate
 Austin, Kate, Scott
 Jeff made some toast and took a few bites, then gave this to me to eat--Gee, thanks.
 Sadly, this is a regular sight at our house.  The kids love disneyjunior!
 Playing a little dress up--Austin

 Pulling/pushing legos to put them away. Scott-red, Austin-blue
 Bike races in the circle.  From left, Austin, Scott, Kate, Dad
 A picnic outside in the early spring (if I remember right, this picnic ended about 3 minutes later)
 The kids love looking at books.  Austin and Scott are such pals.  They love being together.
 I thought I better document this so I remembered doing this (and the kids too)--not that I don't do an enriching activity for the kids every single day!


BECKY said...

I always love it when you post, no matter how late! It's so fun to see your kids and hear the things they say! And FIVE? Gosh, the days ARE going by fast as Kate says!!!

Angie said...

Cute pics! I love the everyday flavor! So fun! We need to get together more this summer!!!!

Melissa said...

The trike picture had me laughing out loud. Scott and Austin have so much personality and are hilarious. Can I borrow Kate for a while, my windows are nasty!