Monday, June 4, 2012

Lots of Kate happenings...

Kate has been the star this month.  She started soccer and has been LOVING it.  Jeff and I volunteered to be the coaches--there is a definite learning curve for that!  We are enjoying it though, but the best part has been to see Kate improve and enjoy herself, it's been fun!  Kate is #6.

Kate also had her big end of the year dance recital.  She has become such a good little dancer, it's so fun to watch her!  Her teacher was Miss Bonnie again (sweetest teacher ever)  They danced to Locomotion and Straighten up and Fly Right.

Then, Kate graduated from Junior Jaguars preschool.  She loved it so much and never missed a day the whole year.  She made some new little friends and learned lots of fun things.  They did a slide show with pictures throughout the year that was really cute.  They put together a really nice graduation with a Hawaiian theme.
 Kate getting her diploma.

 This was one of Kate's teachers, Miss Carly

 This is Kate's neighbor friend
 (Yeah, I took one for the team, seems this happens way too often!)
 Kate's other teacher, Miss Laura

I think Kate might just start getting bored out of her mind with all of these things ending, but what a fun year!


BECKY said...

So, so, so, so, SO cute! I didn't know she was in preschool over there... so awesome!

MaLewis said...

What a cutie! I can imagine she was a "teachers' favorite" at her school. What a fun year with so many new activities - way to go Coach Mom&Dad and Chauffeur Mom for making it all happen!

Angie said...

She is the cutest little thing!