Friday, August 10, 2012

More Summer Happenings

We have had such a busy and fun summer.  One of Jeff's old high school friends (Eric Bascom) came into town from Louisiana.  We went to dinner with just them, then came back here and had ice cream with all the kids.  We had so much fun with them, their kids were so sweet and cute (and polite!!--Yes Ma'ams and Yes sir.  We realized we need to train our kids better!)  We loved seeing them!
 We also had an overnight ward campout at the stake's land down by Spanish Fork.  The horrible fires from this summer had burned a lot of area, but luckily, had preserved this beautiful spot to camp.  Actually it was a pretty big area.  They had a zip line up there, I sat that one out, but Jeff did it.

 Breaking the rules, what a rebel!

 They also have had $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point.  We took the kids and Emma and the kids got such a kick out of seeing all the animals.
 Austin brown, Scott blue
 Austin loving the tractor
 Scott also loving those tractors

The crowds were crazy enough that we haven't been back, but at least we went once!