Friday, August 3, 2012

Swimming Lessons Take 2

The kids got a lot of their nervous jitters out the first time around, so this second set was just fun.  Kate was still apprehensive about being in the deep end again, so we got her some goggles and that really helped.
 And the boys got goggles too, notice, no death grip of their hands this time around!
 Scott trying to pull himself out of the pool
 Austin trying to pull himself out--this proved to be pretty hard for both of these boys, time to start lifting some weights!!
 Kate really came a long way on the diving board--she would just fly off and loved it.
 Scott still loving the slide.
 Austin going "halfway"
 Brave girl!
 And the real reason they came--those popsicles

The kids enjoyed their swimming lessons so much.  The people live pretty close to us and said we could come swimming whenever we wanted.  We went swimming a few days ago and it was funny to see how much the kids had matured--particularly Austin.  He was jumping off the diving board by himself (scary!) and going down the whole slide.  

We got Seven Peaks passes this summer and went quite a few times.  I think that helped the kids become more acclimated to the water, they're little fishies now!