Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kate's First Day

I just dropped Kate off for her first day of kindergarten.  It was very bittersweet, it's the beginning of my kids growing up and going to school, luckily it's only for a couple of hours!  It makes me nervous going from her primary caretaker to handing her off to someone else (luckily, Kate's teacher is amazing and I trust her 100%)

A lot of people have asked if Kate was nervous--I don't think she had a nervous bone in her body today.  She was so excited.  She woke up and ran out with her backpack, put it by the door, hurried and ate breakfast and went to school.  When it was time for me to go, she just waved happily, no tears, just so excited.  That made it easier.  There may have been a little tearing up on my side, but I'm going to say it was just the sun--what a bright morning!

Kate sure is our special girl, she is such a blessing in our family and we all just adore her.  We love you Katie Girl!!


Melissa said...

She is adorable! If I could guarantee that all my students would be like Kate, I think I'd consider teaching kindergarten. What a sweetie!

MaLewis said...

How could the teacher resist Kate as Teacher's Pet? She is so cute and so ready for kindergarten! It's funny about that bright sun- I've had the same problem.