Sunday, March 3, 2013

2 Month Checkup

This is a big boy and we couldn't be prouder (especially mom!)  He had his 2 month checkup and is doing great in most areas.  

Weight:  11 lbs 13 oz  (60-70th percentile)
Height:  23 in (55th percentile)
I can't remember head but around the 60th percentile

He is our first big baby (or at least our first not in the 5th percentile or under until about 6 months of age) and we are loving it!

At two months, Ty still has such a sweet little temperament.  He has a smile for about anybody that will sit and talk with him, but really loves his siblings, when they are around, he'll watch them and smile and coo.  He is sleeping pretty well.  A lot of nights he only get up one time (although sometimes is up for an hour and a half during that time).  He loves his binky and grunts a lot too.

He isn't the best eater.  We are currently making the transition from nursing to bottle feeding because he has a hard time getting enough milk at nursing.  The funny thing is Ty seems to prefer nursing, so it is making a tough transition.  Mom would also like to continue nursing, but there isn't enough time in the day to sit and nurse for 45 minutes followed by 30 min of bottle.  Ty also seems to have a little acid reflux (a theme with all the kids), but it isn't near as bad as Austin and Scott had it.

We love our little Ty and are continuing to learn how he works.


Melissa said...

Sleeping babies are beautiful!!! Congrats on the big baby!