Sunday, March 24, 2013

Ty's Blessing Day

Ty's Blessing was such a special day, we had so much support from family and friends and loved to have all of them there with us.  Ty was a peach and I even heard he was just smiling during the blessing at his Daddy and Grandpa Lewis and Uncle Rick.  We sure love our little Ty guy.

  Kyle, Scott, Austin

 Yes, Brian did 90% of the dishes, it was SO nice!!

 After, Grandma let the kids put all of Kate's new bows that Aunt Melissa made (about 30) Scott with Grandma, Austin laying down in the front
 Everyone getting crazy
I'm so sad I forgot to break out the camera until everyone was almost gone, but here is who came:
All of Ty's grandparents, Malece and kids (Ryan had to work), Rick and Kyle, Brian Elise and family, Zac Melissa and family, Joe Whitney, Rachel, Ty, Danielle and Ellie Thompson, The Buckners, Jadee and Emily Thanks again everyone for coming!


Melissa said...

Love the Bows! Mom is such a good sport! Hilarious. Ty is so so sweet.