Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day at Sea and Grand Cayman

Our second day was a day at sea.  We became familiar with the ship, relaxed, and went to some shows.  Eating breakfast here with cousins (Austin in white swim shirt, Scott in red)

Behind me was the view of the ocean we enjoyed

Kate swimming (really hard to do in the kiddie pool, it was pretty crowded!!)

Scott went up the stairs to go down the slide, we waited, finally he came down with this face.

He was going to try again...

Yay!  He did it (and a few more times after that when he realized how fun it was!)

Ty was loving life.  He was constantly entertained by all the action around him.  He was SUCH a peach all week.  We were pleasantly surprised how easily he adapted to that crazy life!

Scott and Kate playing in Nemo's Reef--a splash pad

We dropped the kids off one day for lunch so we could eat at The Royal Court, so fun!

We went to Aladdin The Musical one afternoon with the kids, it was so good!  We all were totally mesmerized! (Austin green, Scott red)

This is us on formal night

We learned by the second night the kids could eat at their own table and enjoyed that.

At Animator's Palate.  There was an interactive Crush (Turtle from finding Nemo), it was pretty funny, he had us all up dancing and moving.

After dinner, we went to a juggling show, he was so incredible and hilarious too.

Scott with Kai, Jax, Teagan, and Kate

Austin loving the spinning chairs

One of the kids' highlights--meeting Jessie and Woody, Scott, Kate and Ty (Austin decided he was good much to mom's chagrin)

First view of Grand Cayman from our verrandah

We all had cabins by each other, here is Alicia

We had to take mini boats to the island, Sasha, Kate, and Ethan

Everyone was driving on the wrong side of the road!

Jeff snorkeling, we loved it so much!

Scott, Kate, Austin, Below is Kate, Scott, Austin

We loved Grand Cayman.  It was SO beautiful and so fun to see the place that Aunt Staci and Uncle Drostan lived for a while.  It was a great day at the beach.


Melissa said...

I love this post! Your commentary is my favorite part! I love all our pictures of the kids on the slide, Teagan never even went on it, lol. I guess we'll have to go again!

Em said...

Your trip looks AWESOME!