Saturday, July 27, 2013

7 months old

Ty--what a bud.  We really can't get enough of this sweet muffin.  We all love kissing, hugging, and talking in ridiculous voices to Ty with no shame (and they get more ridiculous if that will elicit laughs and smiles)

At 6 months, Ty...
                                      Weighs:  16 lbs 9 oz (40th percentile)
                                       Length:  26.5 inches long (50th percentile)
                                       Head: 44.5 cm (65th percentile)

Ty ...
-has recently taken on screaming, as in half happy/verge of hysteria scream--he manages to find that perfect tone that is so ear piercing
-has started eating solids--seems to be continuing in true JJ Lewis tradition
-sleeps like a champ--wakes up at 6-7 every morning, I'll take it!
-loves watching people, especially Austin, Scott, and Kate, he lights up when they come in the room
-loves his mama and daddy
-loves playing with toys (especially while sitting up)
-sits up like a champ, started right at 6 months
-just got 2 bottom teeth and they are A.dorable
-you don't have to work to get smiles and laughs, he is almost always pleasant and happy
-likes to have his space at bed time, wants to be put down and cuddle with his blankets

I think this list could go on forever, Ty is just so fun, we all feel so so blessed to have this little bundle in our lives.

Ever since Ty got his teeth, he can be found doing funny things with his lips, I think he is exploring the new feel of teeth.


Melissa said...

He is so cute, that last picture is adorable. I want to see him soon!