Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Austin and Scott go to Preschool!

 These two cute boys started preschool, they have grown up so fast and are such sweet boys.

Austin was very nervous to start preschool.  Austin is definitely more of a homebody then Scott.  He woke up with a smile and seemed like he would be okay.

Scott was very excited for preschool.  He said sometimes he was a little nervous, but he was mostly excited.

This was at the preschool--Junior Jaguar Preschool through the high school.  Scott on the right still seems excited, Austin continued to get more and more apprehensive!

We found the cool tricycles they have, Austin loved. (As long as I was right there)

 Scott jumped right in and didn't really care where I was. 

Not pictured:  Lots of tears from Austin, the head teacher took him and he calmed down right after I left.  After that first time, there have been no tears and both boys have really been enjoying it.  They're so big!


Melissa said...

Those boys are getting more and more handsome! Seriously, so sweet. And I love their personalities!